Multiplayer Bomberman Unreal Engine 5 (5.0)
Multiplayer project using Unreal Engine 5 and C++
The build can be found using this link
The full project git is available here :
Please clone the project instead of downloading it, as downloading may cause issues with GIT LFS and prevent you from seeing UAssets within Unreal Engine.
Gameplay video:
This personal project is a multiplayer Bomberman-style game developed for PC using Unreal Engine 5.
The game features a classic top-down perspective and simple 3D graphics.
The gameplay is inspired by Bomberman, where the player controls a character in a maze-like arena, and the objective is to eliminate all enemies while avoiding their attacks.
What I did
Well pretty much everything, execpt all the Art related stuff (3D Model, Images, ect…)
1. Creating the base Map
Just created 4 walls, the ground and the background image
2. Creating the board with random generation.
Randomly place a destructible brick on Begin Play so that every time the game restarts, it is a different map.
3. Creating each block, the character and the bomb with their effects.
There is 2 types of blocks : the bricks that can be destroyed and the pillars that cant
The character can move using ZQSD , place a Bomb using E. (Asset name is Character_Aveline but i can’t find the link to it anymore)
Animations, and Audio.
5. Menus
Main menu
Start Game / Join Game